Kung Fu for Kids

March 26, 2019

KFA Tournament 2018!!

Hey all!! So this year’s KFA Tournament is fast approaching!! Get training!!! $40 to enter all divisions in your age group. Gold, Silver and Bronze KFA […]
March 26, 2019

Movement and stillness…

Parents will notice that their children are often asked to be still in class; to either sit still or stand still. This training is vital in […]
March 26, 2019

Pole form seminar!!

Come and join in our KFA pole form seminar!! Thursday nights and Saturdays! 10 week course! Starts Thursday 12th and Saturday 14th July! Contact the office […]
March 26, 2019

On being sick… colds and flu and tummy bugs

When we, or our kids are unwell, it is important that we get adequate rest to recover. This may mean that you will need to miss […]
March 26, 2019

KFA Annual Tournament 2016!

The KFA Annual Tournament for 2016 is fast approaching! Open to all KFA members, the tournament offers you an opportunity to display your skill over a […]
March 26, 2019

The Necessity of Shaolin Combat

It seems that in the last 30 years the popularity and applications of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) combat has rendered the traditional Shaolin combat styles obsolete. […]
March 26, 2019

Knowing Your Weapon

There are two major hurdles that all martial arts practitioners should overcome when training with weapons. These hurdles should be overcome naturally, they are not techniques […]
March 26, 2019

A sparrer’s mindset

A sparrer’s mindset For the beginner, sparring is often a scary experience. Who could blame them? There’s gloves, legs, knees and all sorts of body parts […]
March 26, 2019

Remembering Sigong…

Sigong Keith I. Blackburn:   I knew him as a martial artist, a teacher and a mentor. He was there to pass on his knowledge and […]
March 26, 2019

Timing, speed and accuracy

One of the key characteristics that separates good martial arts practitioners from the rest is the ability to execute the intended offensive or defensive technique at […]
March 31, 2019

Pee-Wee Dragons (5-10yrs)

Pee-Wee Dragons (5-11yrs) Kung Fu is a fantastic method of teaching a child discipline and self-control in a fun and friendly atmosphere.  Kicks and punches are […]
March 31, 2019

Kids Kung Fu Tigers

Kids Kung Fu Tigers Entering and moving through adolescence can be challenging, for both the participant and the parents! Kung Fu training is an excellent way […]
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