Shi Fu Sarah Arratoon
Shi Fu Sarah joined the Academy in 2004 and began her martial arts journey as a quiet, unnoticeable, really rather sweet girl. Through her love for training, Shi Fu Sarah attained her Black Sash in August 2008. Taijiquan was introduced to Shi Fu Sarah around that time and since then she has loved both Kung Fu and Taijiquan equally. Without Taiji, she believes she would only be half a martial artist. She has spent the last 10 years working towards her Red Sash and attained the status of Master in September 2018. She attributes her confidence, patience and perseverance to learning Kung Fu and is eager to pass on her martial arts and life skills to all of our students. Shi Fu Sarah takes every chance afforded her to work on wooden dummy techniques and brush up on weapons forms. She has travelled to China with the Academy and on each occasion brought home with her new forms and techniques from each school we have visited. When Shi Fu Sarah is not training, she is hanging out with her dog, trying to maintain her garden, spending time with family and friends, and avoiding being indoors whenever possible. Shi Fu Sarah is still sweet, just not so quiet anymore. Shi Fu Sarah loves getting the chance to travel, New York, being her most recent conquest. Neither she nor Manhattan will ever be the same again!