
April 3, 2019


Graeme Adult class – Purple Sash Corny old kung fu movies as a kid got me hooked on Kung Fu and I love the different styles […]
April 3, 2019


Ruby Peewee class – Purple Sash Kung Fu has always been a special desire for me, so I have fulfilled my desire. I have been training […]
April 3, 2019


Brendan Peewee class – Junior Black Sash I have been training at the Kung Fu Academy for three and a half years. My parents thought it […]
March 31, 2019

Tai Qi & Qigong

Tai Qi (Taijiquan) & Qigong Taijiquan, often generically referred to as ‘Tai Chi’ or ‘Tai Qi’, is an ancient art form China based on self-defence applications, […]
March 31, 2019

Adult Beginners Kung Fu

Adult Beginners Kung Fu As a beginner Kung Fu student at the Academy you will be eased into your new training regime without being thrown in […]
March 31, 2019

Adults Intermediate and Advanced Kung Fu

Adults Intermediate and Advanced Kung Fu Once you reach this class, you will understand the basic concepts, stances and strikes of Kung Fu. Over time you […]
March 31, 2019


Weapons Our academy is well known for its weaponry skills. With a variety of weapons which include Straight Sword, Single and Double Broadsword, Pole, Spear, Pu […]
March 31, 2019

Pee-Wee Dragons (5-10yrs)

Pee-Wee Dragons (5-11yrs) Kung Fu is a fantastic method of teaching a child discipline and self-control in a fun and friendly atmosphere.  Kicks and punches are […]
March 31, 2019

Kids Kung Fu Tigers

Kids Kung Fu Tigers Entering and moving through adolescence can be challenging, for both the participant and the parents! Kung Fu training is an excellent way […]
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