
March 26, 2019

Knowing Your Weapon

There are two major hurdles that all martial arts practitioners should overcome when training with weapons. These hurdles should be overcome naturally, they are not techniques […]
March 26, 2019

A sparrer’s mindset

A sparrer’s mindset For the beginner, sparring is often a scary experience. Who could blame them? There’s gloves, legs, knees and all sorts of body parts […]
March 26, 2019

Remembering Sigong…

Sigong Keith I. Blackburn:   I knew him as a martial artist, a teacher and a mentor. He was there to pass on his knowledge and […]
March 26, 2019

Timing, speed and accuracy

One of the key characteristics that separates good martial arts practitioners from the rest is the ability to execute the intended offensive or defensive technique at […]
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